Yoga Pulp Juice Review – The Colorful, Less Sugary Packaged Fruit Juice With Alovera

I am writing this Yoga Pulp juice review after consuming it on and off for 3 months now.
I purchased almost all the flavors in the nearby supermarket and we both loved it.
More than me, my husband liked this drink very much, you know. It is very light when consumed and does not tingle the tongue due to its less sugar content. Also it has small crunchy alovera pieces in it, doesn’t taste funny when chewed, and almost invisible to the naked eye.
Comes in attractive packaging and colours, brand name “yoga pulp juice” promotes healthy living concept with the caption “Health is an inside job”.
This small wonder comes in many flavors and combinations with aloevera, for examples litchi and aloevera, kiwi and aloevera, strawberry and aloevera etc.,
Note – at the end I have given link to check these calories in Myfitness Pal
Yoga Pulp Juice Review
Yoga pulp juice claims to be healthy with catchy brand name and captions, with attractive colours and now available in all the urban super markets. It comes in small 200 ml cute plastic packages, as a “ready to serve” drink. Also available in 1 litre packages. Here is the yoga pulp juice review for all the 7 flavors.

Pros of Yoga Pulp Juice-
- Attractive flavors combination.
- Small travel friendly bottles.
- Pocket friendly prices.
- Good to carry to the gym for a quick energy supply.
- Cute for kids lunch bag.
- Sneaking some goodness (like aloevera) into children’s diet of all ages.
- Comparatively healthy alternative : Less sugar drink compared to the all other sugar overloaded fruit juices and aerated drinks.
Cons of Yoga Pulp Juice-
- Packaged in a plastic bottle – unsafe for human consumption, could be poisonous and cancer causing due to long storage in plastic containers.
- Colorful and addictive: With attractive colors from attractive colouring agents and flavouring agents, makes us get addicted easily.
- Contains Class II Preservatives: Preservatives are the chemicals used in improving the shelf life of the product.
- All nutrients are removed during juicing process – without any exception, all these “healthy” packaged drinks undergo various procedures where all the healthy vitamins and minerals are lost.
- Packaged drinks are not good for daily consumption – Unlike the fresh juices, packaged juices if consumed daily will bring many health issues – like heart diseases, obesity, diabetes etc.,
- High in Trans fats and refined carbs – both of them are not good for our health.
Who else in the Market Just like Yoga Pulp Jucie?
If you think marketing “a healthy fruit juices with alovera in it” is a unique selling point of Yoga pulp juice, then there is someone else in the market with the same USP.
There is a twin sister in the market with the same USP, same attractive colors, targeting the same health market segment, called “Alo Frut”. They even have Mango and Orange flavours fused with Alovera Juice. It caption says, “Healthy Hai… isme alovera hai”. In translation it says, “it is healthy.. This has alovera”.
So, these two brands positioned themselves as a healthy drink with alovera in it. But is that all necessary to make a healthy living?
I think not.
Final Review of Yoga Pulp Juice
- Delicious and convenient drink, with healthy alovera chunks floating in the drink but overall not at all healthy when consumed daily.
- Not a healthier substitute for fresh juices, but a good alternative for aerated drinks
- Not a good choice for weight watchers and diabetic people
So, the only goodness I find in this “less sugary attractive drink” is the alovera chucks.
Am I going to buy this drink for small amount of alovera in it?
No sir, thank you.
I have my own alovera plants at home. We make fresh juices whenever we want it. I even make fusion juices sometimes with mint, lime and chia seeds.
On other days I like to drink seasonal fruit juices. My hubby’s all time favorite is Carrot juice. I make carrot juices with flax seeds and ginger in it, a rich in fiber drink, good for daily consumption and great for bowl movements.

I may buy yoga pulp juice rarely for convenience and for long travel purpose, otherwise it doesn’t makes sense to buy them for daily consumption.
Note: For the weight watchers, you can click this My fitness pal link to see the calories in the Yoga pulp juice.